prompted to create a gallery akin to ‘cabinets of curiosities,’ we aimed to influence the urban fabric above ground as minimally as possible
an unusual, walled garden space invites curious visitors to explore deeper

Wicker Park, Chicago
Spring 2019 Semester
Partner: Yujin Yang

visitors explore the garden with massive walls

they enter the interior of the building at the far corner of the garden

ground level garden space

hydraulic and transparent elevator serves as a light well

expansive lobby/cafe/multipurpose space below gallery levels

visitors are rewarded for following their curiosities by discovering this tall building underground

upon entry, visitors embark on a suspenseful journey deep under ground to be dramatically released into the volume created by the southern light well

light wells are used to both shape space and admit light to the lobby/mixed use space, primary gallery, and administrative spaces

lightwells at the elevator and lobby provide an ever-present wayfinding element for visitors in unfamiliar spaces